Cold atom quantum coherence
Cold atom quantum coherence

cold atom quantum coherence

Two teams of researchers working independently have shown the viability of using neutral atoms to create quantum circuits-both have published outlines of their work in the journal Nature. Inset: normalizing by atom loss during the move results in constant fidelity, indicating that atom loss is the dominant error mechanism. d, Measured Bell-state fidelity as a function of separation speed over the 110 μm, showing that fidelity is unaffected for a move slower than 200 μs (average separation speed of 0.55 μm μs −1). For both the moving and the stationary measurements, qubit coherence is preserved using an XY8 dynamical decoupling sequence for 300 μs (Methods). c, Parity oscillations indicate that movement does not observably affect entanglement or coherence. Using a sequence of single-qubit and two-qubit gates, atom pairs are each prepared in the |Φ +⟩ Bell state (Methods), and are then separated by 110 μm over a span of 300 μs. b, Atom images illustrating coherent transport of entangled qubits. The |0⟩, |1⟩ qubit states refer to the m F = 0 clock states of 87Rb, and |r⟩ is a Rydberg state used for generating entanglement between qubits (Extended Data Fig. Atom shuttling is performed using optical tweezers, with high parallelism in two dimensions and between multiple zones allowing selective manipulations. a, In our approach, qubits are transported to perform entangling gates with distant qubits, enabling programmable and non-local connectivity. Quantum information architecture enabled by coherent transport of neutral atoms.

Cold atom quantum coherence